Do you want to know the single most important determining factor to your continued success in school and in life? You can have all of the ingredients to be wildly successful on the inside — all of the knowledge and skills — but this external factor could lead to more chaos and destruction than you can handle. All of the previous pillars can be destroyed if this one pillar of success is not properly attended to. The Fifth Pillar is “The Average of 5,” which states:
You are going to be the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
My best friend and former business partner Bert Gervais introduced me to the idea that if you’re hanging out with five knuckleheads, you are going to be the average knucklehead, and if you’re hanging out with five millionaires, you’re probably going to be an average millionaire. Who you spend the majority of your time with will reflect how quickly or how slowly you move toward success. The people around you will either motivate you or drag you down; they will support you or cause you to fail.
Those surrounding you will greatly influence everything you do.

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