Have you ever seen crabs in a barrel? You can put live crabs in a bar- rel without a lid and not worry about any of the crabs escaping. Why? Because if one does try to climb out, another crab will be there to pull it back down. A lot of people are just like those crabs in the barrel. But why would someone choose to be an EP? Why would anyone want to be a crab in a barrel? Well, most of the time, EPs do not realize they are EPs.
The deep psychological reason why others hate to see you succeed is because if you succeed and they don’t, you’ll serve as a reminder about their untapped potential. You will show them they have no excuse not to succeed, and they don’t want that because it is a lot easier for them to not try and complain why they don’t have anything than it is to take action in their life. By seeing you fail, they can feel good about themselves. This is the only way for them to feel important. EPs will be your downfall if you choose to consistently subject yourself to their psychological assault.

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