“You are subject to your environment. Therefore, select the environment that will best develop you toward your desired objective.”
What that means is you are going to have to fire some people from your life to create the best environment for your success. That may sound harsh, but it’s true, and I want to help save you years of stress, heartache, and pain. To start achieving your goals and dreams, you have to get rid of the dead weight that is going to hold you down. You have to get rid of the “friends” who will try to make you drink instead of study: those who will have you do activities that don’t represent who you are or who you want to be.
The good news is you don’t have to invite the people you will be firing from your life into a boardroom Donald Trump-style and yell, “YOU’RE FIRED!” And you don’t have to completely eliminate anyone from your life who you may truly love but now realize is toxic to your well-being.
Firing an EP does not mean you don’t love that person or think you are better than him or her. It just means that if that person wants to have a messed up life, that’s not your problem. You have complete control over who you choose to spend the most time with.
Choose to spend more of your time with people who support you and who you want to be like, and less time with EPs.

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