There is a Higher Force at work that created the universe as well as you and me. This Higher Force would not have created you unless you were meant for something great. Our creator wants us to do amazing things.
Think of how a father wants his child to excel, or how proud a parent is at his child’s little league game. Our Creator made everything beautiful and would not make junk. Just take a look at nature: nothing exists without a reason. Therefore, just because you are alive, living, and breathing, there is something great that you can and are supposed to do. If you have ever felt as if you were meant for greatness, that is your subconscious mind tapping into the Creative Source letting you know something special is out there for you.
Once you believe this, no matter what happens in your life, you will be good. No one can ever take that connection, that feeling away from you; you’ll never lose your confidence. You now know you are connected to the greatest force in the world, and you have a piece of that power within you. It’s like just finding out you are the child of a king and you are royalty. Can you feel inferior about yourself knowing you are royalty?

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