This is a good place to make the following statement, as I know it’s probably on your mind now. I completely understand the topic of
spirituality is a very sensitive subject for many. I am not trying to say one particular way of believing is the proper way. I do believe having a
connection to the Creative Source is fundamental in building a strong foundation of self-confidence. I have no idea where you currently stand with your spirituality, but we all believe in something...
I once had a friend say it a good way: if you are in a foxhole during war and bombs are exploding overhead, everyone is praying to something! In fact, there’s a famous quote that says “there are no atheists in foxholes.”
For me personally, I connect my self-worth to G-d (you may notice I spell it without the O, which is just a practice I have out of respect based on my personal religious beliefs). To have a connection to the Creative Source, you don’t have to be part of any particular religion, and by all means, I am not saying any particular one is better than another. You just have to find what fits for you.
And I find something very interesting. Whether you believe in science or theology, they both pretty much state the same thing. I first heard this explained by James Arthur Ray in The Secret, and I’d like to share it with you.
If you go to a quantum physicist and ask what created the world, he or she will say “energy.” Okay, well describe Energy, It can never be created nor destroyed, always was, always is, and always has been everything that has ever existed has always existed, It’s moving in form, out of form, and through form.
Go to a theologian and ask what created the world, and they will say “G-d.” Okay, well describe G-d. G-d always was, always has been, can never be created nor destroyed, it’s moving in form, out of form, and through form. So if you think you are just some meat suit running around, think again. You are [an] energy field operating in a larger energy field.
So no matter what you believe, the concept that we are part of something greater is universal. The same energy that created the world is within us. If you believe in G-d, then you have the spark of divinity within you and you were created in the likeness of the Creator. If you believe in science, since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, the same energy that created the world is part of you. You have the power of unlimited potential inside of you; it is up to you to unlock that power.
If you believe it to be true, you will now realize that inside of you is something great, inside of you is something unparalleled and amazing, inside of you is potential waiting to be awakened. You are someone extremely important with gifts to be shared with the world. You just have to tap into it, and the first step you must take is believing it is in you.

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed in school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book
Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to