Arel Moodie International (AMI)

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Monday, March 1, 2010

The Path to Success

This next concept may surprise you. It certainly surprised me when I experienced it! At first, the results you will experience will happen inside of you. You won’t see the results of success on the outside, but you will feel them. And what you’ll learn is that the true journey to success starts with becoming a success... a winner... at your inner game before you attempt to succeed in the world around you.

This idea is essential. Most people don’t get that, and that’s why most people fail. Period. The results first develop internally, then they show up externally.

Now I define success as living a life you actively create to have the lifestyle you prefer. That includes living with passion, having free- dom, and experiencing the beauty this world has to offer. To put it another way, success is living a life with no regrets.

A life with no regrets should not be confused with a life with no boundaries. Living a life of no regrets requires discipline. As motivational speaker Jim Rohn often says, “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons.” That’s precisely what it all comes down to.

Did you know that most lottery winners are broke within five years? MSN Money published an article explaining this phenomenon. It explained that while the winners had a million dollars in the exter- nal world, they were internally poor. They hadn’t created a founda- tion within themselves for lasting success.

In the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker calls it your “Money Blueprint.” People who suddenly become rich will eventually return to their original financial state because being broke is what they know and understand. “Nothing” is the amount of money they can comfortably handle.

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed and school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so true. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I find that the internal is the most important and the hardest to change and improve but once we do, external rewards/success start to flow a lot more.