Will you stop putting that off already!?!
So, if you started reading my blog posts awhile back you might have noticed that it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. And it made me realize something about consistency and how we go about doing things in our lives.
I once heard that we actually don’t forget to do things, we don’t want to do them, and that’s why we forget.
I have something to admit, I don’t enjoy the writing process that much.
I LOVE speaking, just ask anyone who has ever seen me at one of my speaking engagements (done over 300 so far) that when I get into a groove I can talk for hours (and sometimes I do!). But when it comes to writing, I really don’t like to do it.
There is some kind of disconnect between my brain and my fingertips, I think the synapses in my brain can only reach to my lips, but not all the way down to my fingers, that’s what I’m hoping my chiropractor will help with, among many other things :)
But I find something to be very interesting, that once I get over the initial hurdle of writing, I actually really like it. I feel this tunnel vision come over me and I just start going… and keep going . It’s not always good, but at least I’m doing it.
Then I started thinking about other things in life that are similar to this. I don’t enjoy the act of working out too much, especially since I started doing the H.I.T workout . So I think about going to the gym and I wince, but once I’m in the gym, I feel like staying there forever. Just one more set, let me do just 10 more push ups etc.
So here’s my belief. Most things that we know we can do, but we don’t love to do seem a lot scarier in our minds than in actuality. The fear of going to your professor for help when you are falling behind is a lot less scary than the actual act of talking with him. The fear of asking out that special someone is a lot scarier than the actual act of asking.
So here’s what I want you to do. Think about that thing that you know you have been putting off because it seems like a HUGE daunting task. You know what I’m talking about. That thing that you have already started but is just sitting there unfinished waiting for your kind return. And promise to stop worrying about the anticipation and get it done.
But here’s the deal, if you really want to get back into the swing of things, tell a friend, you can even tell me (just send me a FB message and I’ll hold you accountable, for real, test me). Because there is absolutely nothing more important than accountability (The explanation of why accountability is the ONLY real way to get things done will be for next time, and trust me you will want to read this next post)
And please leave some comments below on your thoughts on the following statement, “we actually don’t forget to do things, we don’t want to do them, and that’s why we forget.”
It's my life's purpose to make the lives of others better and more richer. That why I created The College Success Program, the most complete event existing today to help college students succeed in life and in school. Help bring CSP to your school by Clicking Here
1 comment:
Hey Arel,
I just finished reading your blog on "The College Success Program" and after reading it, I shared it with 5 of friends of mine that happened to be online. I really feel like what you write in your blog is definitely true.
“we actually don’t forget to do things, we don’t want to do them, and that’s why we forget.”
I am currently a fourth year undergraduate student and not only have I found my fellow peers putting off tasks such as asking a teacher for help, job hunting, and even homework, but I myself have found myself faced with the same issues. I think that part of not wanting to do them involves, as you mentioned fear. The fear of rejection, the fear of consequences and most importantly, the fear of failure.
I also took the time to watch the short youtube.com video where you speak to a group of students about your experiences as a telemarketer. Keep up the great work inspiring young professionals and students with your words.
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