Every morning when we wake up, we have two choices to make, and no I'm not referring to "hit the snooze button or not hit the snooze button".
I'm referring to how you start you day and really how you live your life.
So what are the two choices? It's actually not as mysterious as you may think, but unfortunately it's quite overlooked and not paid attention to as much as it should be.
So here it is, when you wake up you can either choose to feel happy or feel sad...
Think about it, when the alarm clock rings and you have to get up and face the day you can either say to yourself "This is going to be a great day!" or you can say "DAMN! Why did this alarm clock have to mess up my sleep, I hate waking up, I just want to stay in bed".
So if it is that simple why don't we all just make the decision to be happy first thing in the morning. Well there is a couple reasons I can think of, not including lack of sleep, most anyone who only sleeps for 2 hours might be a bit grumpy.
You are not looking forward to the day you are about to go to. Now you may not be in complete control of what you are about to do, but you do have full control over how you look at what you have to do. Look at today as a challenge to live the best day yet, yes even if you have to go to a job you hate or whatever. Look at the fact that you are lucky enough to wake up... a lot of people dont have that opportunity. My dad always told me, everyday when you aren't outlined in white chalk is a good day.
So here is your action step for tomorrow morning. Wake up and clap your hands and say something like "Today is going to be an awesome day!". And then plan one nice thing you want to do for someone, call a friend, write a hand-written note to someone. Get a bowl of ice cream to treat yourself. Look forward to that one thing and be grateful you have another day...word. So we only have two choices, how do you choose to live your life?
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