So I was speaking with a friend of mine from high school the other day and I had an a-ha moment.
He was one of my first friends from high school, we actually met the first day of school. As we were catching up it hit me like a Kimbo Slice punch (MMA reference here, youtube him to see what I mean).
So do this right now, think of how many people you still talk to from your high school...go ahead I'll wait.
Okay, now that it is the summer time, how many people are you REALLY going to call/hang out with from your college (or if you have graduated, how many people do you still stay in close touch with it?)
So your answer is what I call the Rule of 3. No matter what arena you are in or leave, you really only leave with between 1-3 friends.
Think about it, out of all the people you would say hello to in passing and hang out with in school, you will probably leave anywhere with at most 3 close friends.
So what does that mean? The concept of having to be "cool" or "fit in" really is a myth. There really is no cool as long as you have at least one other person to play Xbox with or shoot some hoops with on a Sunday.
Many times we try so hard to fit in and be accepted that we sometimes catch ourselves doing things that we don't need to (think about the 21 shots you took on your birthday) because it is seen as "cool".
When you can break free from that need to fit in and have others like you, you really start mastering your life. I once heard Dr. Demartini. say that when the voice from within is stronger and more pronounced then the voices around you, you have mastered your life. Take a second to read the aforementioned line again.
I know I was there, I was never really the "cool" kid, but I tried really hard to satellite around them, until I let that go and really appreciated those who are close to me and I genuinely enjoy. I kept trying to be someone and something I was not. Once I really started truly being me, my life became so much more freeing.
So here is your action steps, think of the 1-3 people that you really consider to be your good friends. Pick up the phone right now, yes RIGHT NOW! and call them and just say something to the effect of "I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate all that you have done for me in my life and who you are to me, and I just wanted to say thanks for that, it means a lot to me" If you do this your friendship with that person will automatically triple in one phone call.
Action step two, if you are feeling down and out because you think you don't "Fit In". The good news is that you can finally let that go, because now you realize along as you have one friend, then you are cool.
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