Arel Moodie International (AMI)

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Third Pillar: The Missing Ingredient and How to Get More Done in Less Time

Now that you’ve learned the keys and little-known secrets to taking charge of your life and are developing amazing self-confidence, what will you do with it? That is what our Third Pillar is all about. The Third Pillar is quintessential to your success because it deals with the one concept that will put all the principles you learn into play. The Third Pillar deals with the one thing most people just don’t do, and if you don’t, you’ll never be a successful student. It’s the one thing that separates the Haves from the Have-Nots. If you don’t do this one thing, all the knowledge in the world means absolutely nothing.

You’ve probably heard that knowledge is power, right? WRONG! Knowledge is only potential power. It’s what you do with that knowledge that is powerful. So what is this one thing?

You must take action—not just action, but consistent action!

Simple, but true. Successful individuals are well-known for taking action on a consistent basis toward their goals and not quitting until they reach their destination.

Most people are really good at talking about what they want to do, but very few people are good at actually doing it. My father always told me I should not be part of the “Gunna” family. Have you heard of the Gunna family before? This is the group of people who say, “You know what, tomorrow I’m gunna do this and I’m gunna do that.” In the end, “all talk and no action” does not produce results. If you find yourself saying, “I should do this, and I should do that,” all that happens is you end up doing nothing but “shoulding” all over yourself!

A subset of this family is the Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda people. They should have done something, but now it’s too late. They would have done something, but the circumstances weren’t perfect. They could have done something, but they didn’t.

You can imagine how far in life the Shoulda-Would-Couldas and the Gunnas will get.

One of the main differences between successful people, like you and me, and everyone else is successful people take action toward their goals as a daily habit. If you want to know how to get more done in the next thirty days than you have in the last five years, whether it’s organizing your class and social time or organizing your studying, this is the technique to implement. Our Third Pillar is called “3 to Succeed,” which in a nutshell means:

Take three specific, measurable, actionable steps toward your goals every single day.

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed in school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to

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