Let me know if this scenario sounds familiar. John is your classic C person. He has a paper to write. John sets a vague goal of “getting my paper done.” However, it is unclear what his very next actionable step will be. So John will sit down, stare at his computer screen, move papers around on his desk, and right before he starts, he will check his Facebook account, see a newsfeed of someone’s new photo album, and check it out.
Then all of a sudden, five hours of his life have disappeared and he has accomplished nothing with his paper. Sound familiar?
Let’s change his goal from vague to specific: “I will complete my paper by Friday of this week so that I can enjoy my weekend stress-free.” An actionable step to help him get started is “I will go to the library after my English class and ask the librarian to help me find three books and then use Google to find two Internet sources.”
With this action step, he knows exactly what he has to do, where to go, and whom to ask for help.
What this also means is there will be planning involved. Most people don’t like planning, but as Brian Tracy states in his book Time Power,
“Every minute in planning
saves you ten minutes in execution.”
saves you ten minutes in execution.”
So six minutes of planning will save you one hour of time. Not bad, huh?

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