That is why you should read this blog at least twice and use it as a ready reference after you’re done. The reason you want to read it twice is that you may miss something the first time, or something may make more sense to you the second time around. The reason why you want to keep referring to it is so you can take a self-inventory of how well you are actively applying these principles to your life. You will also have the opportunity to go to to get more resources and materials to help make sure you are moving in the right direction.
I want to save you from making a lot of the same mistakes I’ve made over the years that countless other people make every single day when they think they are doing themselves a favor by educating themselves through reading. If you have committed this huge mistake before, it’s not your fault, because no one told you about it. But now that you are about to discover the solution to this common problem, you have no excuse.
First, allow me to demonstrate by example.
Have you ever sat down to study and read one page of your textbook over and over and over again only to ask yourself “What did I just read? I can’t remember anything?!?!” Oh, and it gets better. Have you ever taken an entire class and you can barely remember the name of the teacher who taught it, let alone one thing you learned from the class?!?
Keep it real, has that ever happened to you? Well, what that means is you have what I have diagnosed as “learningus for no reasonus.” What you read does not get committed to your memory because it didn’t apply to your life, and you didn’t take the few extra minutes to find out how it could apply to your life. So here is what you will do differently when reading this blog. You will ask yourself and ANSWER the following three questions at the end of each blog post so you can “get” the idea of the principles so you can apply them and use them in your life. Make sense? (PS: It’s a good idea to apply this philosophy to everything you are learning, whether in your classes or when you read a magazine, blog post, etc.)

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