It has been a crazy journey, latent with failure after failure. Mess up after mess up, stress after stress. Anyone in my inner circle knows how crazy a process this has been. This dream has been something I fantasized about for so long and after making so many mistakes, I am proud to say that the hard work has paid off and I am officially the Best-Selling Author of Your Starting Point For Student Success. I reached the best seller list in 4 different categories on including #2 in the Self-Help Category! (Just under Wayne Dyer, not bad company I'd say)
It by no means was easy in any way but more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined. I have been running around, screaming, jumping off the walls, getting in touch with my family and friends to share in this moment. (I needed to slow down and drink some water because I nearly passed out from the excitement lol)
I am truly thankful to G-d for letting this dream become a reality, and I am thank for all of you that supported me on this mission.
Anything truly is possible. I went from being just a loser kid in the projects of Brooklyn to a Best Selling Author! I am certain the message of the book will positively impact the lives of all who read it, I am 100% certain of this.
I can say that this goal happened because I followed a very simple formula, a formula that applies to anything you want to achieve, anything.
I believe anything is possible when you follow this 5 step system for success
1) Choose Something you want
2) Find out the best approach in achieving your goal
3) Actually apply what you learned (this is an important part most people miss)
4) Go after it with pure passion and RECKLESS ABANDONMENT, make success the only option possible (surround yourself with this goal, dream about, make it part of your cells, breathe it, feel it)
5) Keep Going, no matter what, through all of the failures, mistakes, stress, negativity, nay-sayers and heartache, Keep going no matter what. As long as you keep going, failure can not win.
So, what is possible for you when you follow this system? What goal can you too achieve when you follow this simple yet extremely powerful formula. It works, every time.
I am so ecstatic right now to be living in this moment, to have reached this life-long dream. I truly am at a loss for words now, all I can say to everyone, to my creator, to everything is...Thank You...
1 comment:
Arel, this is not luck. This is the universe coming together to thank YOU for all the hard work that you put in. All the late nights you spent writing the book with supreme dedication. All the effort you put into learning what it takes to publish and to be a best-seller. Your intention to share what you know with others. And perhaps most important, your commitment to see it through the toughest of obstacles.
I have never met anyone as positive as you towards the challenges life throws our way. I have been inspired by your commitment to learning new lessons from things that would get even a generally positive and centered person down. I honestly do not think I've heard you say one negative thing in all the time I've known you.
You are an incredible person, who I believe lives every principle in this book. You are transparent about who you are and authentic in sharing what you believe. The wisdom you have shared in these 151 pages will inspire others to live their lives to the fullest as well... and your impact will be felt on the world.
So, congratulations! Congratulations not for the achievement, but for living your life with the courage, commitment and authenticity that allowed the achievement to manifest. It will be only a star in a galaxy of accomplishments that will sparkle on your life resume, without doubt. You are truly an inspiration.
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