Arel Moodie International (AMI)

What is Success? Who is Arel Moodie? Why Should I Care? These questions are answerd in this blog :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yes, It Does Take Time

You’re in the home stretch. You’re almost done, and you’re just about ready to properly begin your journey to success in the most effective way possible. However, please understand that

Success is a journey, not a destination.

You will go through many failures and setbacks and at first feel like you just aren’t cut out to make it. It’s normal. Everyone reacts to change that way. You just have to walk through the fire, get over the hump, and knock down the obstacles. My mentor once told me every “overnight” success takes at least five to seven years. Most people will never see all of the hard work and self-discipline that goes into becoming someone of great substance and character, but it’s there!

You are on the journey of a lifetime, and though I may not be able to predict the length of your life, if you stay on the path you started with this blog, I’m sure you will be able to have a depth to your life many people will wish for. You are more powerful than you know, and I wish you true success and happiness in this life- time.

The ball has been passed to you now. What are you going to do with it? What specifically are you going to do RIGHT NOW that will move you toward your goals?

Make this minute Your Starting Point. Begin by applying the principles in this blog to your life until they become part of you. Your next step is to continue to invest in yourself, to learn, and to grow.

Advanced Reading

You can go to for a list of other recommended readings as well as to sign up for our free Starting Point for Student Success newsletter to get the info you need to keep you on path during your journey.

One last thought before we go: this journey isn’t really about trying to find out who you will become. It is about discovering who you already are.

In the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:

“Take the first step in faith.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed in school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to

Monday, October 11, 2010

And Yes, It's Possible for You

You can do this: you can be more successful than you have ever dreamed of. It’s possible for you to achieve your goals and wildest dreams. You have to start stretching outside your comfort zone and do the things others won’t so you can have the things others don’t.

There is a great three-step process to achieving a goal that you want, and here it is:
  • Step 1: See someone who did it.
  • Step 2: Believe you can do it.
  • Step 3: Commit to doing it (then actually do it!).
As fitness guru Tony Little says, “See It, believe It, achieve It.”

It’s simple but powerful, as most things are in this world. Whatever another person can achieve, so can you. So if someone you admire has achieved success as a student or as a person, it’s possible for you to achieve that same or greater success. You just have to believe it’s possible. Nothing can ever happen until you can first see it in your mind. It’s called having a vision.

And finally, you must commit to doing it. How do you know you’ve truly committed to your success? It’s very simple. Your commitment to something can be measured by one thing, and one thing only: action.

Commit to your goals by taking action so you can achieve them.

The journey may not be easy and it may be long, but it will be worth doing every step of the way.

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed in school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Tools Won't Work Unless You Use Them

What you’ve just read are your tools to create your starting point for student success. But the tools won’t work unless you use them. A hammer lying on the floor can’t do anything by itself, but in the right hands, it can help build a home. The hammer is useless unless it is used. That is why this blog is your starting point for success.

This blog gives you a new lens to see your life through. I hope you are ready to take the journey to success and do something every day to become better than yesterday, whether it’s reading, taking action, or stopping activities that are unproductive in your life.

And here’s another success principle you can add to your war chest:

Pareto Principle 80/20 Rule
The Pareto Principle states that roughly
80% of the effects come from 20% of the cause.

Another way to think of this is to say the results we achieve are the result of about 20% (and sometimes less!) of the stuff we do.

In our case, the 80% is you taking the time to read this blog. It has taken you time and focus to spend time learning about these life-changing pillars of success. The 20% represents your application of these principles to your life. The 20% is making that one uncomfortable phone call—it’s the action it takes to move you toward the goals you want to achieve. Just reading this books means absolutely nothing unless you actively apply the principles to your life.

This blog wasn’t created just to be a form of entertainment (however, I do hope you’ve enjoyed spending some time with me). This blog was meant to change your mindset and help you to take the necessary steps forward in life and in school, right now. If you just wanted to veg out, your time would have been better spent looking up stupid videos on YouTube.

But since you’ve come this far (assuming you just didn’t skip ahead to this part!), you are a person of action and greatness—and not of future greatness, by the way. You are great right now, in this moment. Not just great... you’re awesome!

Completing this blog serves as a milestone along your journey. It’s a point of reference so you can say: “This is my starting point. Today, I am in control of my life. Yes, I am successful. Yes, I am an awesome student. Yes, I am smart. Yes, I will start today truly living the life I know I deserve and I demand from myself.”

We started with a congratulations, and I’d like to end with one, too.

Congratulations! The real fun starts now, wherever you are in this journey called life. The satisfaction is in fulfilling your dreams, goals, and aspirations. The fun is in the work it takes to live as the true success you know you already are.

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed in school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to

Monday, October 4, 2010

Find a Mentor

Finding a mentor is a huge key to success. Tapping into the brain of someone who has already been there and done that and wants to help you is an amazing way to start surrounding yourself with positive influences. Every single successful person you have ever heard of most likely had a mentor. A mentor could be a family member, a friend, teacher, or maybe even someone you have never met, but you’ve read their books before.

Mentors serve as your compass on this journey. They can see the mistakes you might make before you make them, and they can help you when you just need someone to talk to. Mentors help you become the best you that you can be.

I hope you consider me a mentor, and I’d love to help you in any way I can. Please feel free to stay in touch with me. You can find my most up to date contact information at

Advanced Learning

If you want to learn a really cool technique to recruiting really successful people you have NO connections to as your mentor, go to

There, you will learn the same technique I learned from my mentors, neither of whom I knew before I contacted them: a millionaire and a young entrepreneur who is a best-selling author.

You will succeed or fail based on who you let into your inner circle. You will become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Your time is the most precious asset you have because you can never get it back. Make sure you are investing your time wisely in yourself and others.

Arel Moodie is widely known as America's Top Young Speaker. He has spoken to over 65,000 students in 39 states and 2 countries on the topics of student success, student leadership and student entrepreneurship. He is a leading authority on helping students of this generation succeed in school and in life. He is also the best selling author of the book Your Starting Point For Student Success. To find out more about Arel's book, go to To find out more about Arel's speaking please go to