So I was watching the Democratic National Convention last night (two quick side notes, I have never really cared about politics until this election, I think this election really is bringing younger people into politics and two the picture quality of the online stream from was insanely crystal clear, I was really amazed).
Okay I’m back from my digression. I was watching the convention to hear Michelle Obama. I was really interested to know what she had to say and more about her. As she finished her speech, which was very very good, I youtubed Barack Obama’s 2004 Convention Keynote. That speech really inspired me.
What I took away from it and what I want to share with you is the idea of what greatness means for you. We all have goals and things we want to achieve, but are they great? Are they worthy of us? It’s real easy to get blinded by the daily tasks that we have to do and forget about the bigger picture. What are our lives really about? That purpose, that driving force in you that will make you get up when you are down. That will make you walk over broken glass and then swim in a pool of alcohol. That drive. That feeling that will make you move ferociously toward your goals.
What are you doing? What are you waiting for? What are you letting stop you? If a “skinny boy with a funny name” can go from absolutely nowhere to the next possible president, what can you achieve?
And here’s a little insight for you to sit and think about. Do you want to know why people fail in life? It’s not because they aim to high and miss, it’s because they aim too low and hit it! (take a second to think about that line again). Think and act big. However here is my one caveat. This is the point that most people miss. Celebrate the journey.
The problem with big goals is that, at points the journey there will be hard. And you will fail a lot, it’s normal. But if you don’t celebrate the journey, if you don’t acknowledge what you have achieved, your goal will beat you down because “you’re not there yet”. You’ll always focus on what you don’t have and what your missing instead of realizing what you’ve already accomplished.
Set big goals, think big, take action, celebrate the journey. That’s It. You’re Awesome
Your Action Step:
Acknowledge where you were last year today to where you are this year today. Notice what you are proud that you’ve done and what you need to work harder doing. Enjoy the journey
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